We’re putting things in order!

With the launch of the new management software system, the organization, search and management of articles has become much simpler.

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When a catalogue contains thousands of products, the keyword is organization.

And this is why we decided to make some important changes to our structure to simplify things, not only for us but for you as well.

 • Goodbye letters, hello numbers: a number from 1 to 24 will be assigned to each group.

 • The articles will now be grouped according to functionality and characteristics of use.

It’s a long process, it will take some time!

To enable this change, the usual identification code of each article (Art.), will, for a while, be paired with a shorter, simpler one (Code) which will eventually become its permanent code.

And what about the paper catalogue? We are in the process of re-organizing it as well! It will be ready as soon as possible!

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